:Military Court of Appeals

Address: Rabin camp, HaKirya , Tel Aviv

Secretarial phone number: civilian phone: 03-6935815, military phone: 0302-1603

Email: mazkirut_yvdz@idf.il

Head of the Organization and Audit Branch, lieutenant colonel, Liz Chen Tzror

Civilian number:03-5691576 ,military number:0302-1576

Organization and audit branch fax number: 03-5694665

Email: lisca.ob@idf.il

Phone number for after-hours inquiries in urgent cases-

:Military Court of Appeals Officer

Attorney, captain Kfir Lev: 054-2233318

:The military district courts

.Address: The military justice campus, gore camp 


Military District Court of General Staff and Home Front

Email: mtkl_oref@idf.il

 073-310-3802: Telephone of the secretariat of court

  -Phone number for after-hours inquiries in urgent cases

:Military District Court of General Staff and Home Front officer’s number


:Military District Court of General Staff and Home Front officer’s assistant number



:Central District and Air Force military courts

Email: mrkz_ha@idf.il

073-310-3836: Telephone of the secretariat of court

-Phone number for after-hours inquiries in urgent cases

:Central District Military Court and Air Force officer’s number


:Central District Military Court and Air Force officer’s assistant number



:The district military court of south and ground forces

073-310-3832: Telephone of the secretariat of court


- Phone number for after-hours inquiries in urgent case

:The district military court of south and ground forces officer’s number



:Northern District Military court - Navy and Special Military court

073-310-3822 :Telephone of the secretariat of court

Email: yvdz_tzafon@idf.il

-Phone number for after-hours inquiries in urgent cases

:Northern District Military court - Navy and Special Military court officer’s number


:Northern District Military court - Navy and Special Military court officer’s assistant number



:Military Traffic court in all judicial districts

.You can contact the military traffic court at the number 052-9415321 via WhatsApp messages and, if necessary, even by phone calls

073-310-3842 :Telephone of the secretariat of court

Email: tavura_yvdz@idf.il 

 : The military traffic court officer’s phone number



:The Integrated court

Telephone number: 073-3103810

073-310-3810 :Telephone of the secretariat of court 



:Secretariat of administrative committees


Telephone number:073-3103955 or 073-3103843


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