צפו בהצהרה המיוחדת של דובר צה"ל

מערכת את"צ


בהמשך להצהרתו המיוחדת של דובר צה"ל, תא"ל דניאל הגרי, לכתבים הבינלאומיים בנושא הניצול השיטתי שחמאס מבצע במתקנים רפואיים עבור פעילות טרור, מצורפים התוצרים שהציג.

.Since the horrific Hamas massacre of October 7, Israel is at war

It is a war that we did not start and we did not seek. Hamas massacred over 1,400 Israelis. Babies, women, young girls, young men, children, the elderly and the disabled. They massacred them all. We will not forget that. Hamas also holds over 240 hostages. Men, women, children, babies, the elderly and the disabled. Today marks 30 days of holding a 9 month old baby hostage, Kfir Bibas. Now he is 10 months old. My young boy just turned a year, a couple of days ago. Kfir Bibas is held by Hamas in Gaza. It’s unimaginable. It’s a crime against humanity. With many other children. Hamas commits crimes, war crimes, against Israelis, but also against the Gazans themselves. Hamas cynically uses civilians in Gaza as human shields. They kill their own people. This isn’t just a terror tactic. Human shields are a key pillar in Hamas’ operations. Until now, over 800 rockets were launched that landed inside Gaza, and killed many Gazans. Today, I will be sharing evidence proving that Hamas systematically exploits hospitals as part of its war machine. We already shared evidence that Hamas operates command and control centers inside and under Shifa hospital. We decided to declassify and share more sensitive intelligence with you because the world must take immediate action against that

We are at war with Hamas. Not with the civilians of Gaza. We have been calling all civilians in northern Gaza and Gaza city to temporarily move south of Wadi Gaza to a safer Gaza. Away from Hamas strongholds. We are monitoring the movement of the population through our humanitarian corridors and increasing our calls to the areas that have lower rates of evacuations

Here is a recent analysis of our evacuation efforts. Here you can see the millions of times we urged the residents of Gaza to move south. This is in addition to the effort that my unit made in the media and the social media networks in Arabic and also other languages, on many channels. Here you saw just how big this effort was and still is. As you can see here, Israeli intelligence has been working around the clock to reach as many people as possible. The IAF dropped over 1.5 million flyers like this one here. The IAF prioritized our evacuation effort over other missions. Prioritized evacuation efforts over other missions. This is an example of a flier urging the residents of Gaza to move to safer areas. Each new flier has its own color, to indicate that it was a new warning, more urgent call, and updates the corridors to move south. Let’s watch how it looks like

As you see, a journalist shows the IDF flier, explaining it to its viewers in Arabic. Gaza listened to approx 6 million recorded messages in Arabic. I will now play you one of the recorded messages that we sent to the residents of Jabaliya. Jabaliya, this place that civilians were being held by Hamas, urging them to evacuate south

Israel wants civilians to move away to move from Hamas strongholds. Gazans should not be used as human shields by Hamas. We made almost 20K personal calls, people from Israel on the other side of the line. Live phone calls to neighborhood by neighborhood to keep people in those areas including Jabaliya, like this phone call here, we made to a resident in Jabalia

Hamas is weak without Human shields. Is weak. Hamas is actively stopping Gazans from moving to safer areas. Here is a call we declassified with a resident of Gaza that is giving a testimony of how Hamas prevents Gazans from evacuating. [recorded conversation.]

I want to show you how Hamas blocks the roads. Hamas tries to prevent Gazans from moving south. They put roadblocks to stop civilians from leaving Jabaliya. I want to be clear. The IDF adjusted our ground operations to keep the corridors from the north to the south open, but Hamas is attacking our forces, like yesterday, that opened this corridor. This is why we had to stop the corridor yesterday. Hamas was attacking our forces with anti-tank missiles on this road, preventing the corridor from being open. Hamas tries to prevent Gazans from moving south

This is what we are doing, now let’s look at what they’re doing

We know Hamas hides behind civilians in Gaza, Hamas places forces and weapons, inside, under and around schools, mosques, homes and UN facilities. Among the worst of Hamas war crimes is their use of hospitals to hide their terror infrastructure. We already revealed Hamas command and control centers under the Shifa hospital. Now let’s talk about two more hospitals. Hamas' use of hospitals to disguise the war machine is systematic. The Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani Hospital is located north of Gaza city, along the coast. Its construction was funded by the Qatari government and it is called The Qatari Hospital. Here you can see the IDF soldiers exposing a tunnel opening. This is part of our operation, a ground operation on the hospital and revealed the tunnel that was being used for terror infrastructures in the Qatari hospital. If that wasn’t enough, this tunnel, if it wasn’t enough that we exposed the tunnel under the hospital, the terrorists also shoot at our soldiers from within the hospital

I will not play a video for you, taken recently from the Qatari hospital. You will see Hamas terrorists firing at the IDF soldiers from the inside of the hospital, a hospital funded by Qatar

We already released evidence of Hamas' use of Shifa hospital to shield its terror complex. Hamas uses the Qatari hospital for terror as well. Today we will also release evidence that the Indonesian Hospital is being used by Hamas to hide an underground command and control centers. This is the Indonesian hospital. This picture was taken in 2023. You can see the hospital’s structure south of the roundabout on both sides of the road. The hospital is located in northern Gaza, between Jabalia and Beit Hanoun. The construction of the hospital was funded by several NGOs from Indonesia. I will show you the reason why they built the hospital there

This picture here was taken in 2010. When the hospital was under construction, take a look here at the area in red. They were Hamas terror outposts. Unsurprisingly, Hamas built the hospital on top of their terror infrastructures. Those outposts of Hamas had underground facilities before they started to construct the Indonesian hospital. There are three important areas to point out. The first area is the collection of cement materials here. You can see here arches. These arches are very very unique. It's a unique structure, it's only used for underground terror facilities for Hamas. These cement arches are not needed when building hospitals. They are used to build underground city of terror. An underground metro of tunnels. We have watched Hamas use these arches to build tunnels for many years. Instead of building homes for Gazans, they built this metro. Over hundreds of kilometers underneath Gazans and underneath places like hospitals and mosques. They are building underground terror infrastructure for Hamas. Here you can see the entrance to an underground tunnel, Hamas used this tunnel to access the command and control complex under the hospital. This all satellite and of course all these images and intelligence and more were sent to other agencies to confirm what I’m showing you now. Now let's take a look at the hospital in 2020. You can see that the cement materials, including the arches, are no longer above the ground. Done. It’s all underneath the ground. This is a satellite image of the hospital complex taken after the massacre of 7th of October. I am going to zoom in on the area here. Okay, across the street. Only 75 meters, 80 meters to the hospital. Here the IDF identified a launch pad - meaning they launch rockets from here. I want to repeat it - they launch rockets on Israel 75 meters from a hospital. Why? They know precisely that if Israel will air strike a launch pad like that, the hospital would be damaged. And this was part of the course of their outpost before in 2010, this architecture of underground facilities including launchpads

Here you see layer by layer, how Hamas systemically builds the Indonesian hospital to disguise its underground terror infrastructure, and we see that they used the area around the hospital as a base for terror against Israel today

Now I want to reveal evidence that Hamas steals fuel from the Indonesian hospital. Next we will listen to a phone call from November 2nd with an official closely affiliated with the Hamas terrorist organization. [call]

This phone call and others can be authenticated and verified by other agencies that we send them more materials that I cannot reveal here. The US, and UK verified these materials. This call that we intercepted revealed a couple of things. While Hamas screamed to the world about the lack of fuel, there is no shortage of fuel in Gaza. Hamas has the fuel. It's in the hands of Hamas. The leadership and the members of Hamas are lying. Hamas has fuel, Hamas stores this fuel underneath hospitals in Gaza, the very hospital that Hamas tells the world that it is running out of fuel. I will now share one last audio recording with you that we intercepted.  - --Hamas

Hamas moves fuel from the hospital to terrorists. Okay?

In Jabalia. Meaning moving it from Shifa to Jabalia. From Shifa hospital to Jabalia. The same Jabalia that Ibrahim Biari, the murderous commander, was killed. They moved fuel to Jabalia because Jabalia is a terror center. They steal the fuel from the hospital, to fuel terror infrastructure

Finally, I want you to see Hamas in their own words. [Abu Marzouk interview on Russia Today]

This is Abu Marzouk, just from the 27th of October. Human shields are a key pillar of Hamas terror operations. Hamas systematically exploits hospitals as a key part of its war machine

This is the murderous organization we are dealing with. Hamas doesn't even try to hide. They say it out loud, loud and clear. Here is Hamas leader Abu-Marzouk on a TV interview confirming that Hamas builds tunnels in hundreds of KM to protect its terrorists. Who’s above? The innocent civilians are above. But more than that, he admits that Hamas is not responsible for the civilians in Gaza. It’s the world’s problem, they say. They don’t even hide their logic of using human shields as a part or their terror and war machine. Hamas is hiding behind hospitals. Hamas is sickly exploiting hospitals to disguise its war machine. Our war is with Hamas. Not with the civilians of Gaza. We will not accept Hamas' cynical use of hospitals to hide their terror infrastructure. I want to repeat, we will not accept Hamas' cynical use of hospitals to hide their terror infrastructures. Hamas exploitation of hospitals must come to an end