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IDF, Israel Border Police and ISA forces conducted counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria overnight

IDF Editorial Team

Overnight, IDF and Israeli security forces conducted counterterrorism activities in a number of locations in Judea and Samaria, including the towns of Al Aroub, Ubeidiya, Ripida and Qalandiya, to apprehend individuals suspected of involvement in terror activity.

IDF soldiers also operated in the city of Hebron. The soldiers apprehended five terror suspects and confiscated illegal weapons.

In addition, the security forces conducted counterterrorism activities in the town of Beit Rima and apprehended two suspects. The soldiers also located and confiscated an M16 rifle and ammunition. Dozens of Palestinians instigated a violent riots during the counterterrorism activity. The rioters hurled rocks and launched fireworks toward the soldiers, who responded with riot dispersal means.

Dozens of Palestinians instigated a violent riot during counterterrorism activity in the Ein Beit al-Ma' camp. The rioters hurled rocks and explosive devices toward the soldiers, and shots were heard in the area. The soldiers responded with riot dispersal means.

A total of 13 suspects were apprehended overnight.

The suspects and weapons were transferred to security forces for further processing.

No IDF injuries were reported.