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Terrorists Fire Rockets at Israel from Gaza, Injuring a Palestinian

IDF Editorial Team


In just one week, terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired rockets toward Israel six times. Two of the rockets that were fired fell inside Gaza, one of which landed behind a UNRWA school and injured a Palestinian. The IDF responded by targeting terrorist targets in Gaza and temporarily closed the Erez Crossing.

On the night of April 20, 2022, a rocket was fired from Gaza toward the Israeli city of Sderot, activating sirens in southern Israel. In response, IDF fighter jets struck Hamas terrorist targets, including a military post and an entrance to a tunnel leading to a central underground complex that contained raw chemicals used to manufacture rocket engines. This strike will significantly impede terrorist rocket manufacturing capabilities in Gaza.

Two days later, on April 22, another two rockets were fired from Gaza toward Israel. One of the rockets landed in an open area in southern Israel. No casualties or property damage were reported. The second rocket did not cross into Israeli territory; instead, it landed inside Gaza as a result of a launch failure. The rocket fell east of the Beit Hanoun area, directly behind a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school. A young Palestinian man passing by the area was injured by the rocket shrapnel.

This event that injured a Palestinian and caused thousands of Israelis to run for shelter serves as a metaphor for Palestinian terrorist groups’ immoral tactics. The willingness to fire rockets indiscriminately—injuring and at times even killing the very people they claim to represent, all with the intention of harming Israelis—is showcased in another failed attempt by terrorists to destabilize Israel.

Following these events and a security assessment by Israeli officials, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) decided to temporarily close the Erez Crossing. Despite Israel’s interest to maximize the people of Gaza’s access to their daily routine within Israel, terrorism has prevented many Palestinians from crossing into Israel, leaving some without work until further notice.

The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organzation responsible for all terrorist activities in Gaza. As Hamas controls Gaza, it also claims to be responsible for prioritizing the well-being of the people of Gaza. However, it is clear that its priority, in the meantime, is neglected. Hamas chooses to invest its money and resources in its one true goal—destroying the State of Israel.