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The New Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force: Major General Tomer Bar

IDF Editorial Team
Major General Tomer Bar has replaced Major General Amikam Norkin as the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force. Maj. Gen. Norkin has served in the position for the last five years and will be concluding 37 years of service in the IDF. 

A ceremony to mark the occasion was held this evening (Monday) at the “Tel Nof” Air Force Base. In attendance were the IDF Chief of the General Staff, LTG Aviv Kohavi, and commanders from the German, Greek and Cypriot air forces, as well as the Commanders of the U.S Air Forces in Europe. Also attending the ceremony were commanders, family members and other guests.

Chief of the General Staff, LTG Aviv Kohavi: “The response to the recent series of attacks is a testament to the professionalism, courage and determination with which IDF units work to defeat terrorism. At least ten attacks have been prevented in the last two weeks thanks to intelligence and various operations. We are focused, even at this very moment, on thwarting further attacks. This is the focused mission of the IDF: We will reach every neighborhood, street, residence and basement that we need in order to apprehend terrorists. We will act in any place, and by any means necessary, to stop terrorism.”

“We are increasing and refining the scope of all kinds of aerial systems, detection sensors, and armaments in an unprecedented manner. All of these are expected to succeed on the day the order is given for precise fire with a high strike-rate. These are key parts that will accompany ground maneuvers, demonstrating the full partnership of the Israeli Air Force in ground maneuvering missions.”

“The sequence of strikes by the Israeli Air Force has had a decisive impact on preventing the entrenchment of Iranian forces in Syria, on preventing the establishment of Hezbollah forces in the southern Golan Heights, on preventing enemy intensification with advanced weapons systems and on the direct and immediate thwarting of threats to infiltrate Israel. [Major General] Norkin, all of these took place under your watch and under your command. The Air Force became stronger, more sophisticated, thwarted many threats and hit our enemy time and time again.”

“As the Air Force commander, you succeeded in analyzing and understanding the overall broad picture, in drawing conclusions and translating them into goals, operations and force building. You did all this while maintaining professionalism and attention to detail.”
“The conditions for readiness, change and dedication, which are also goals in themselves, are the people. If a country wants a vibrant life, then we - the quality of the people who serve in the IDF, both regular and permanent
servicemembers, must be the foundation, which must be preserved and nurtured.”

Outgoing Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Major General Amikam Norkin: “In the summer of 2017, I could not have imagined that this would be such a turbulent period—one of change, large-scale operational activity and a global epidemic which created a routine of life we did not know existed. In recent years, the Israeli Air Force's role in maintaining national security grew. In recent years, the air force has acted in all sectors and arenas, taking part in both defensive and offensive activities, from both the ground and air. We have deep and professional partnerships with the IDF Southern Command, IDF Central Command, IDF Northern Command and the Israeli Navy. These partnerships resulted in operational breakthroughs regarding the IDF's capabilities. We worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the General Staff’s Directorates, especially the Intelligence Directorate, in order to achieve strategic objectives. We stretched the boundaries of what is possible and we strengthened both deterrence and the Israel Defense Forces with relevant abilities for every challenge and mission. The operations as part of the campaign between the wars led us to act farther, deeper and with greater intensity. In recent years, we forged a partnership with air forces from around the world, enabling a regional defense partnership that constitutes a strategic pillar for the State of Israel. This partnership, led by the special alliance with the United States, is an asset and a bridge to regional stability. Today I am handing over command to Major General Tomer Bar. I know Tomer and his abilities and am confident that the Israeli Air Force will continue to soar under his command. I was privileged to be the commander of the Israeli Air Force and to be your commander - I salute you all."

Incoming Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Major General Tomer Bar: "With a sense of responsibility, gratitude and with great anticipation for the future - I take command of the Israeli Air and Space Force. Major General Amikam Norkin has carried the force responsibly, in a stately manner and with great talent. You were an innovator and teacher, who demanded to go ‘above and beyond’. You led by personal example, with professionalism and a vision. The Israeli Air Force salutes you, Major General Norkin. You leave a significant mark on Israel’s security. We are in a period of regional change which brings risk and opportunities that require a high level of conduct that bears responsibility for Israel’s security. The Israeli Air Force will remain competent and available for any scenario and challenge, in arenas both near and far, facing terrorist organizations, militaries and emerging actors. These challenges require broader cooperation. It is clear to me, beyond any doubt, that the right way is broad cooperation between the various IDF branches, directorates and commands, as well as the Ground Forces and the Israeli Navy. To the Commanders of the Israeli Air Force: You have a lot of power in your hands, which we will make sure to use with reverence, determination and modesty. We have to remember that we must be worthy of the soldiers who have been entrusted to us. We will demand the best from them and protect them as best we can."