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Anti-tank missile launched from Lebanon at the Greek Orthodox Church in Northern Israel

Press Release

Israel Defense Forces, Media Center

A short while ago, an anti-tank missile was launched from inside Lebanon at the Greek Orthodox Church of Iqrit in northern Israel, injuring a civilian. IDF and Magen David Adom personnel were dispatched to the scene to provide medical assistance.

The Hezbollah terrorist organization is continuing to violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701 by firing into northern Israel, including at civilian areas and religious sites.

The terrorist operative who fired fled and hid in a building. IDF soldiers identified and struck the building.

As a result of the launches toward the Shomera area in northern Israel, an IDF soldier was severely injured and eight were moderately and lightly injured. The soldiers were evacuated to a hospital to receive medical treatment. Their families have been notified.

Over the last few hours, a number of launches were carried out toward the areas of Yiftach and Har Dov in northern Israel. IDF tanks and artillery fired in response toward the sources of the launches.