What happened on October 7?

October 7, the most murderous day in Israeli history and for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Genocidal terrorists of the Hamas terrorist organization infiltrated communities in southern Israel and caused generations worth of damage.
Hamas terrorists killed 1,200 people, took 251 hostages into Gaza, fired over 3,000 rockets targeting civilians all over the country and vowed to repeat this attack over and over again.

Who is Hamas?

Founded in 1987 under the leadership of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, the Hamas terrorist organization was established as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their main mission was to establish an Islamic Caliphate, encompassing the entirety of present-day Israel, Gaza and Judea and Samaria. Hamas’ charter calls for the killing and death of all Jews and does not recognize Israel’s right to exist.

The October 7 Inquiries:

On this website, you will find detailed information and inquiries into the specific areas and communities that Hamas terrorists attacked on October 7, as well as other points of interest. Each of these inquiries was investigated by IDF officials and relevant parties were consulted whether it be those who were directly involved in the event or witnesses. The inquiries examine a wide range of issues, including the military perceptions, and the way battles are conducted in settlements and outposts.

The purpose of the inquiries is to learn and draw lessons from past mistakes in order to improve effectiveness in current warfare, to prepare for the next stage of the war, to strengthen the effort to return civilians back to their homes and protect them, as well as to build the IDF's competence in the face of security challenges.

This is a long and extensive process, at the end of which the findings will coalesce into a complete picture.

Upon completion of each inquiry, and after presenting it to the local communities and the bereaved families, its findings will be posted on the website for the general public to review.

The website will present the main points of the inquiries transparently and fully, under the obligation to maintain the security of our forces and information security, which are fighting in various sectors.

Investigations concluded and presented so far are highlighted in green. Click on a highlighted community to review the relevant inquiry: 

Battle of Kibbutz Be'eri Inquiry

Battle of Kibbutz Be'eri - The Inquiry