Staff Sergeant I. - 20 years old


Friday, 18:41, where do I begin?
Who would have thought I'd have to write a goodbye letter. To my parents, I want to thank you for raising me and educating me to be who I am today, and bringing me to where I am today. I appreciate you so much, even if sometimes it didn't seem that way.

To the friends and people I got to know throughout my life, thank you for all the moments we shared, for all the times we went out and laughed, I laughed endlessly thanks to you, I love you like crazy.
Aside from that it's important for to say that I don't regret not even for one second my decision to draft to a combat role, and it is the best thing I went through in my life. If you're reading this...
it means I've concluded...
to defend...

(SSGT I.'s letter was unfortunately burned when his team's vehicle was hit by an anti-tank missile, killing the soldiers inside. Some words were lost, some sentences were left unfinished, but his kind and lively spirit remains in his words.)