30 Trapped Persons Located at Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha

The National Emergency Situation Room of the IDF, the ISA, Israel Police, government ministries and the Israel National Cyber Directorate located approximately 30 trapped persons

IDF Editorial Team

The National Emergency Situation Room of the IDF, the ISA, Israel Police, government ministries and the Israel National Cyber Directorate located approximately 30 trapped persons at Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha in southern Israel.

Yesterday at 9:00 p.m., a distress call was received at the situation room regarding a group of trapped civilians. The situation room verified the details of the incident, and using coordinates were able to locate the trapped persons. At 9:52 p.m. IDF tactical squads arrived at the kibbutz and managed to rescue the 30 trapped persons who were there.

The shared emergency situation room of the IDF and the Israel Police was established earlier this week to assist in locating and rescuing trapped persons. Hundreds of families have contacted the emergency situation room since its establishment. The IDF and the Israel Police are working day and night to locate the trapped persons and to update their families on all the details that the security forces have.

The emergency situation room is located at HaNegev St 4, Airport City (Lahav Building 443) and will continue to provide the best response to the rescue efforts in the field.

Assistant Population Behavior Officer of the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area, Academic Professional Officer Yossi Graver: "Amidst the great darkness, we had a small ray of light last night. Thanks to reports from civilians, identification, tracing and cooperation between a special team of the Home Front Command, the ISA and the Israel police, 30 people were located and saved from the horrors. The report that they were found together, alive, well and on their way to a safe place caused great emotion in the situation room. This is the moment we understood the meaning of our mission."