Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, March 2, 2024


Good week, 

Over the weekend, IDF operations continued throughout Gaza. Yesterday, three IDF soldiers were killed during combat in eastern Khan Yunis: Sergeant Dolev Malka, Sergeant Afik Tery and Sergeant Inon Itzhak. May their memory be a blessing. With them, 14 soldiers were injured in varying conditions. The soldiers received immediate medical treatment from the medical and rescue teams of Unit 669 and were evacuated to receive further medical treatment in hospitals. 

The IDF’s representatives have notified the families of the fallen and injured soldiers and are accompanying them during this difficult time. Our hearts are with the families. The incident took place during the troops’ operations to search terrorist infrastructure, during which two explosive devices, set up by Hamas in a building, detonated. We are reviewing the incident and studying it for the continuation of combat.

The forces are continuing operations in areas adjacent to the border. These are mere kilometers from the communities of southern Israel, it is from these areas that terrorists headed out on October 7 and carried out the massacre in Kissufim, Ein HaShlosha, Nirim and Nir Oz. We must clear this area. The tolls taken by war are heavy and painful. Every fallen and injured soldier is a whole world.

In northern and central Gaza, IDF troops are operating in the field following intelligence. We receive this intelligence from the Intelligence Directorate and the ISA, and it is a result of research on servers and interrogations of security prisoners. This intelligence brings us information regarding Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure in the area, infrastructure that we have yet to reach, or attempts by terrorists to restore infrastructure. Following the instruction of the political echelon, the IDF, together with international organizations, continues its efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza. Today, US and Jordanian aircraft airdropped additional aid throughout Gaza. This effort enables the continuation of combat.

Following the incident during which dozens of Palestinians were killed during the entrance of humanitarian aid trucks, we are reviewing this incident, we have all the footage we need to investigate and ascertain the true facts of the incident, and we will present the findings. We secured the humanitarian operation; it was an operation that we were conducting, and the claim that we intentionally attacked the convoy and intentionally harmed these people is fundamentally baseless.

In southern Lebanon, we struck a vehicle in a targeted manner that contained terrorists operating under the Imam Hussein Division. That is a militia that is funded by Iran, at the service of Hezbollah and fired rockets toward Israel. We’re talking about terrorists who commanded and led rocket fire toward Israel. Over the past 48 hours, we have eliminated a total of ten terrorists, including a central field commander. We continue to operate in southern Lebanon, damage Hezbollah’s capabilities, push it from the border and harm anyone who poses a threat to Israel’s civilians. 

148 days of war. 134 men and women are still cruelly held hostage by Hamas, with no medical treatment, in harsh conditions, away from their families, in an inhumane manner. Dear families of the hostages, our hearts are with you in every minute. We are operating, making all efforts to bring your loved ones home. This is the fundamental moral obligation that is incumbent upon us, it is the obligation of the entire world in the face of the crime committed.