Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari-May 29, 2024


Good evening,
‏In recent days, IDF troops have achieved operational control over the Philadelphi Corridor, on the border between Egypt and Rafah. The Philadelphi Corridor served as Hamas' "lifeline" through which Hamas regularly smuggled weapons into the Gaza Strip. This achievement is the result of an operation led by the 162nd Division, which has been fighting in the Rafah area in recent weeks.

‏Our troops have located dozens of launchers along the corridor, loaded and ready to fire rockets, and launch pits from which Hamas fired rockets and mortars into Israeli territory. Hamas exploited the Philadelphi Corridor, using it to build this infrastructure just dozens of meters from the border with Egypt so that we would not strike them. This infrastructure was located between 10 and 40 meters from the border, specifically so that Israel would not strike near the fence with Egypt. I remind you that in recent weeks, Hamas has fired about seventy rockets and mortars from the Rafah area.

‏So far, our troops have located about 20 tunnels in the Philadelphi Corridor area. We are investigating these tunnels and neutralizing them. In parallel, the troops continue to conduct operations. These operations are carried out based on intelligence information regarding specific locations in the area.

‏ In recent weeks, our troops uncovered an extensive underground terrorist infrastructure in eastern Rafah, which was 1.5 kilometers long. The entrance shaft to the infrastructure was located about 100 meters from the Rafah crossing. The route branched into several sub-routes and was used by Hamas terrorists for movement, transferring weapons and initiating terrorist attacks. Inside the route, we found large quantities of weapons, including anti-tank missiles, AK-47s, explosives and grenades. The 401st Brigade Combat Team operated in the route and destroyed it.

‏The Chief of the General Staff visited the soldiers in Rafah today and was impressed by the way they fight with determination and professionalism. He talked with them, referred to the numerous operational achievements that are leading to dismantling Hamas, and emphasized creating the conditions for the return of the hostages. We will continue to exert all efforts to create the conditions to bring all 125 hostages home. We do not forget them for a moment.

‏The troops are fighting in a complex environment with many terrorists in the area. Unfortunately, these battles exact a heavy and painful price. Staff Sergeant Amir Galilov, Staff Sergeant Uri Bar Or, and Staff Sergeant Ido Appel, may their memory be a blessing, fell last night during operational activity in the Dahaniya area in Rafah. Alongside them, three other soldiers were seriously injured. I want to extend condolences to the families in their most difficult hour. We embrace them and will continue to support them.

‏Yesterday, Hamas issued a false report claiming that we struck in the Al-Mawasi area. This is a lie – our troops did not operate in the area. Hamas continues to spread lies to the world. Today, we revealed documents showing how Hamas terrorists stole approximately 400 million shekels from the Bank of Palestine, funds belonging to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, during the war. This is another reminder that we are fighting a terrorist organization with no boundaries that exploits its own civilian population. It hides beneath them, among them, and even steals their money from the bank vaults. It is a terrorist organization without limits that will do anything to ensure its survival.

‏In the Central Command, earlier today, there was a targeted shooting from Tulkarm towards the community of Bat Hefer. Immediately upon receiving the report, IDF troops initiated extensive searches and an intelligence effort to locate the terrorists, an effort that continues at this time.

‏We thwart dozens of terrorist attack attempts every week in the Judea and Samaria sector, on the roads and in the communities. We will continue with a very strong deployment in both defense and offense to thwart terrorism and ensure the security of the residents.