Working on the Bani Suheila Water Pipeline and Transferring 126 Trucks to Northern Gaza


The IDF, via the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), continues with efforts to enable the daily passage of hundreds of trucks carrying food supplies and humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza. In accordance with this, over the past two days, 553 aid trucks passed through the Kerem Shalom and the Nitzana crossing after thorough security checks. Additionally, yesterday, approximately 56 food packages were airdropped at distribution points across Gaza.

Furthermore, as part of increasing the aid routes to the north, 126 trucks were coordinated from the southern to northern Gaza last night. Additionally, several trucks, accompanied by IDF soldiers, entered through the 'Northern Crossing’ after a rigorous security inspection by the security forces at the Kerem Shalom crossing. Alongside this, work continued on repairing the Bani Suheila water pipeline to the Khan Yunis area. The water pipeline is expected to open in the coming days and will increase water supply to approximately 400,000 people in the area.

In collaboration with the international community, the Coordination and Liaison Administration for Gaza is preparing to open two additional World Food Program (WFP) bakeries in Gaza City in northern Gaza. Therefore, a fuel truck and flour trucks were coordinated last night, to enable the opening of the bakeries’ activities and their continued operation.

These bakeries in the north of Gaza will join the first WFP bakery in the north of Gaza that opened yesterday, which has a daily production potential of approximately 650,000 pita breads. The bakeries in the north join the 23 bakeries that were opened in southern and central Gaza, which provide pita bread daily to over 2.2 million residents.

However, despite these humanitarian efforts led by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, MG Ghasan Alyan, in recent days the content of more than 450 humanitarian aid trucks remains on the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing, after undergoing rigorous security inspections by the border crossing authorities. The aid is waiting to be collected by UN agencies for distribution and dispersal to the residents of Gaza.

Attached are Images Related to the Water Pipeline: 

Attached are Images of Humanitarian Aid Trucks 'from the Northern Crossing to Gaza':