IDF Thwarts Hezbollah Infiltration Into Northern Israel

IDF Editorial Team

On July 27, 2020, the IDF thwarted an infiltration attempt into Israel by a Hezbollah terror squad. The terrorists, who were armed with assault rifles, crossed the Blue Line and were in Israeli territory before they were stopped by IDF troops. 

Timeline of Events:  

  • July 23, 2020: In accordance with a situational assessment, the IDF reinforces the Northern Command with select infantry troops.   
  • July 24, 2020: Munitions are fired at Israel from Syria, damaging a civilian building and an Israeli vehicle. In response, IDF aircraft strike targets belonging to the Syrian Armed Forces in southern Syria. 
  • July 27, 2020: A Hezbollah terror squad infiltrates into Israel with weapons. IDF troops stop them before they can reach Israeli targets. 

What is Hezbollah?

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization based in Lebanon that serves as a terror proxy to Iran. Since its founding in 1982, Hezbollah—which translates to “Party of God”— has carried out violent terror attacks around the globe that have killed hundreds of people. Led by Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, today Hezbollah is one of the largest terror groups in the world and a powerful political force in the state of Lebanon. Time after time, Hezbollah has remained committed to its resolve to terrorize Israeli civilians and attack Israel. 

Read more about Hezbollah, here

What is the Blue Line? 

In May 2000, the IDF withdrew from southern Lebanon. This line of withdrawal, otherwise known as the “Blue Line,” was marked by representatives from the United Nations as the official border between Israel and Lebanon. 

At the end of the Second Lebanon War in 2006, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 was implemented. The resolution called for the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, no armed forces except for UNIFIL and the Lebanese army south of the Litani River, and full compliance of the Blue Line among other requirements. 

Read more about the history of the Blue Line, here

Is this the first time Hezbollah has breached the Blue Line?

No, in December 2018, the IDF exposed a series of Hezbollah terror tunnels dug from southern Lebanon into northern Israel in Operation Northern Shield. The tunnels, which crossed under the Blue Line, violated the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 and put the lives of Israeli civilians at risk. 

Did the IDF enforce any guidelines to protect Israeli civilians? 

Following the security incident in northern Israel on July 27, 2020, the IDF gave instructions to Israeli civilians living in northern Israel in close proximity to the Blue Line. Civilians were asked to temporarily stay in their homes and avoid any activity in open areas. In addition, the IDF closed roads in the area to minimize movement. 

What does Syria have to do with Hezbollah and Lebanon? 

Iran and Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, are using Syria as a launchpad for terror against Israeli civilians. Since the outbreak of conflict in Syria in 2011, Iran has provided significant military and financial support to the Syrian government led by Bashar al-Assad. Iran has long-sought influence over Syria as control over Syria increases Iran’s ability to threaten Israel with attacks and its overall control in the region. 

The Quds Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Iranian proxy groups—like Hezbollah—took advantage of the instability in Syria in the aftermath of conflict, and have used this opportunity to entrench themselves in Syria, to establish a permanent base for Iranian operations. In total, since the beginning of 2018, Iran and Hezbollah have launched eight separate attacks on Israel from Syria. 

The IDF takes this breach of Israeli sovereignty very seriously and will continue to operate to protect Israeli civilians from all acts of terror. We hold the government of Lebanon responsible for all activity conducted within its borders.