Volunteer Programs

If you are interested in volunteering for the IDF without becoming an Israeli citizen, there are a few short-term volunteer programs available.

IDF Editorial Team
Volunteer IDF Programs:

Mahal: Mahal is an enlistment track dating back to the 1948 War of Independence specifically designed for foreign volunteers wishing to serve in the IDF and full combat and support roles. To apply email: mahal@mod.gov.il For more information: http://www.mahal-idf-volunteers.org/index.html 

[Please note the Google form on this website is no longer active]

Marva: Marva is an army simulation program run by the IDF and the Jewish Agency for Israel to give you a taste of what army life is like. After eight weeks in this immersive army program, serving alongside fellow Jewish youth from countries around the world, you’ll know more about the inner workings of the IDF than you ever dreamed, and you’ll have experienced it firsthand.

Sar-El: Sar-El is a three-week volunteer program that enables participants to volunteer and live with Israelis and volunteers from all over the world on army bases in Israel. Volunteers will work alongside or under the direction of Israeli soldiers, and perform duties such as packing food rations or medical kits, cleaning tanks, painting helmets, radio repairs, gas mask refurbishment, changing spare parts, gardening, or cleaning.

To Enlist:

If you are looking to enlist in the army for a full-time service, visit this page.

To Donate:


These are the organizations authorized to raise donations for the IDF:

  • FIDF - Friends of the IDF United States and Panama
  • UK Friends of Awis – Friends of the Association for wellbeing of Israel's soldiers
  • YLHM – Yahad Lemaan Hajayal Mexico
  • ILHB – Iachad Lemaan Hachail Brazil
  • LIBI France