A Look Inside the “Mazor Ladach” Field Hospital in the Golan Heights

For more than four years, the IDF has been helping injured Syrians who come to Israel’s northern border. Nearly a year and a half ago, Israel launched Operation Good Neighbor, which provides Syrians in need with medical, infrastructural, and civilian aid.

IDF Editorial Team


Mazor Ladach

“Mazor Ladach,” whose name translates to “Bandaging Those in Need,” is a field hospital where the staff treats injured Syrians. “The clinic has already cared for hundreds of Syrians and changed their lives,” said Lt. Col. A., Commander of Operation Good Neighbor.

The clinic itself is located in an uninhabited military post in the southern Golan Heights, in Israeli territory. The 210th Division helped train the staff and the clinic gradually became a real military field hospital. 


The clinic began operating last September, and since then the staff has managed to treat hundreds of Syrians every day. “All of the organization’s members are unpaid volunteers,” said Lt. Col. A.

“Take, for example, a Syrian mother who comes with her children. At the end of the day, she leaves the clinic with healthier children and an aid kit from the State of Israel that includes food, basic hygiene products, and medicine. A day at the clinic also includes, time in the playroom and a hot meal. The Syrians also understand that the State of Israel is doing a great thing for them.”


The compound’s security issues were top priority during the building process. “We thought about every security detail of this compound.” Lt. Col. A. emphasized, “We have a secure bunker that emergency staff can use, security guards patrolling the area, and operational activity in the area that enables the compound to operate in an absolute routine even beyond the fence.” These security measures are taken to ensure that the staff can work and the patients can be treated in a peaceful environment.


Operation Good Neighbor has promoted a large number of medical projects aimed at helping Syrians in need. This operation has helped ensure security for both Israelis and Syrians.

“We must not forget, this operation is a moral stance taken by the State of Israel with regard to the situation of the Syrians across the border.”