IDF Paramedics Treat Six Palestinians After Car Crash

Six Palestinians were injured today in a severe accident between a taxi and civilian car near the Etzion District in Judea & Samaria. Ambulances of the Etzion Brigade, IDF paramedics, and Magen David Adom medics were alerted and rushed to the scene of the accident. Captain Aziz, Head Medic of the Etzion Brigade told us:

IDF Editorial Team

“The forces worked tirelessly, but unfortunately, one of the injured patients succumbed to his wounds at the scene of the crash. Another who was heavily injured was brought to Israel for further treatment and the other four people, who suffered light and medium injuries, were treated on the spot.”

IDF Paramedics assist a Palestinian man in the Jordan Valley

“Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens almost every day here. As medics, we are always loyal to the Hippocratic Oath and we help, evacuate, and take care of everyone. It does not matter to us whether the patient is Israeli or Palestinian.”