List of Latest Five Humanitarian Missions

The Coordinator of Government Operations in Judea, Samaria and Gaza Territories coordinates activities of government bureaus, the IDF, and security establishments vis-a-vis the Palestinians. This is done through the application of government policies pertaining to various aspects of civilian life, including humanitarian issues, infrastructure projects, and economical projects. The following actions are part of the many activities and actions taken by COGAT in its efforts to improve the lives of the civilian population that are not involved in terrorism.

IDF Editorial Team

- The spokesperson for the Coordinator of Government Activities in Territories (COGAT) announced that on Tuesday (November 15), a plan to import building materials for the private sector in the Gaza was implemented.

The Israeli Government, together with the IDF, coordinates the delivery of a variety of humanitarian aid and development assistance to the civilian population of the Gaza on a daily basis.

On November 9, in light of the agricultural export season due to start at the end of November, a continuing education program for Palestinian agriculturists took place in the Coordination and Liaison Administration for Gaza. As part of the conference, a detailed explanation of the export process was given.

Last September, COGAT coordinated the visit of a group of Palestinian children receiving cancer treatment at Hadassah Hospital and their families in the Ramat Gan Safari, Jaffa beachfront and Holon bowling alley.

Last June, a group of Palestinian children from the West Bank along with their parents traveled to the Jerusalem Zoo for a day. Their trip was organized by the Civil Administration and Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Many of the children had previously undergone open heart surgery at Hadassah, a procedure which was paid for by the hospital and the A Heart for Peace organization. The trip was designed to provide relaxation, learning, enjoyment and an overall positive experience for the children coping with health difficulties.