Palestinian Teen Evacuated to Israeli Hospital

The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories reports that on Tuesday, a 15-year-old Palestinian teen was evacuated for medical treatment in an Israeli hospital in Rehovot after he was injured on Monday morning in Jabaliya, northern Gaza.

IDF Editorial Team

Contrary to false reports by media outlets, the teen was not injured due to an Israeli air strike in the area. The Israeli Air Force did not operate in the northern Gaza in the hours of the incident or any adjacent time. All IAF activity concerning the Gaza is publicly visible and clearly documented.

COGAT representatives coordinated the evacuation with representatives of the Israeli Health Ministry and the Red Cross in Gaza

In the recent escalation that began on Friday, March 9, Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza fired more than 200 rockets into Israel. Many of these rockets struck major Israeli population centers, such as Ashdod (pop. 200,000), Beersheba (pop. 190,000), and Ashkelon (pop. 110,000). More than one million Israelis continue to live under the threat of rocket attacks from the Hamas-controlled Gaza.