Two Years Since The IDF Delegation to Brazil

This week marks two years since the IDF Home Front Command’s humanitarian aid delegation to Brazil. When the Brumadinho dam in Brazil collapsed in 2019, 130 IDF soldiers and commanders flew across the globe to assist in the joint effort to save lives. Thanks to the strong cooperation between the IDF and Brazilian authority, many bodies were recovered, and both nations’ forces improved their rescue capabilities. We invited four individuals who were involved in the aid mission to a Zoom meeting to reflect on their unforgettable experience.

IDF Editorial Team

The Israeli: Maj. Eden, a combat officer in the IDF Home Front Command Search and Rescue unit
The Brazilian: Wessely Carolaho, a soldier in the Brazilian Armed Forces
Their common mission: To rescue those affected by the disaster

“On Saturday night, my commander called to tell me that there was an emergency delegation that would immediately depart for Brazil. Within 10 hours, I was already at Ben Gurion Airport”, Maj. Eden recalled. “When we arrived in Brazil, we first met the Brazilian Army. They waited for us at the airport in three lines, helping us prepare ourselves for the first leg of the journey to the disaster area.” 

Maj. Eden explained the delegation’s procedure: “We used Google Maps to mark the structures we could identify between the ruins. Then we rescued people who had been buried in the mud, some for more than four days.” 

Eden then told us about the IDF’s unforgettable collaboration with the Brazilian Army: "It was exciting to see a different army. We took some pictures together and exchanged contact details. During the mission, we sent each other a lot of thank you messages. We were very proud of what we came for. We received a lot of appreciation and attention I have not experienced anywhere...a sense of appreciation for what you do."

Wessely reflected on his own experience: “It was a difficult mission. All I had in mind were the lives of the people who live there. The whole community was hurt––everyone knew someone who had died.

"Our job in the delegation was to help the IDF logistically. I learned a lot about the Israeli way of doing things with love. We knew that the Israeli Army had impressive technological capabilities, and we learned that they also have exceptional interpersonal capabilities. We were very grateful for their knowledge and friendship.”


The Israeli: Maj. Rivka Cohen, a Civilian Population Officer in the IDF Home Front Command
The Brazilian: Pedro Bello, a translator from the Brazilian Embassy
Their common mission: Mapping out and researching the population 

"We had no idea how long we were going to be there for,” Maj. Rivka Cohen explained. “The disaster area itself was surreal; we all know Brazil from the stunning pictures of the beautiful forests, but just an inch away the destruction began. You could physically see the difference between life and death.”

The group’s translator, Pedro, was crucial to the success of the mission. "We mapped out the locations together and questioned civilians to figure out where we could find more people.” Maj. Rivka also spoke of the special bond with the other Brazilians who joined the delegation: "It's their home, and they made us feel like it's our home as well. We worked really well together. It was a difficult situation––Pedro and I had to talk to the families of the victims and those missing.” 

To sum up her journey, Rivka concluded, “people needed us, and we went to assist them. In every classroom on our base, there is a sign on the wall that says, ‘The goal: saving lives’. And that’s why we flew.”

Pedro shared what went through his mind during the aid mission: “We were all worried about what was going to happen. We didn’t know how we would get through this without the outside help we received from the IDF. From the moment we heard that the delegation was coming with their technologies, we began to be more hopeful and see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

“It was the biggest disaster that has happened here in our entire history,” Pedro explained. “I did not know how we were going to do it until I met Rivka, and everything became easier. We were on the bus on our way there, and people cheered for us and said thank you. I will never forget it. I had never seen anything like it before. That's when I realized how great this thing that we are doing is.” 

Pedro shared his thoughts about the cooperation between Israel and Brazil: “The help we received here is inconceivable. Friendships between countries are important––not only economically, but we also need real and important ties like the one between Israel and Brazil. That is what makes this world a better place."

Over the years, the IDF has sent 27 humanitarian delegations to countries around the world. The IDF is ready to take any challenge, at any time, to any place. For the IDF, the value of life is paramount, across all borders.