90 Terrorists Apprehended and Weapons Located in the Area of Kamal Adwan Hospital, a Hamas Command Center

90 Terrorists Apprehended and Weapons Located in the Area of Kamal Adwan Hospital, a Hamas Command Center


The IDF completed its activity in the area of the Kamal Adwan hospital, which had been used by Hamas as a command and control center in Jabalya; 90 terrorists were apprehended and numerous weapons were located

Over the last few days, the IDF and ISA operated in the area of the Kamal Adwan hospital, which had been used by Hamas as a major command and control center in Jabalya. The troops apprehended approximately 80 terrorists, some of whom took part in the atrocious October 7th massacre. In addition, the troops destroyed terror infrastructure in the area and located numerous weapons including AK-47s, RPGs, explosive devices, Nukhba military equipment, technological equipment, and Hamas intelligence documents.

During the activity in the hospital, IDF and ISA forces questioned the hospital workers. The workers confessed that weapons were hidden in incubators in the NICU, incubators that were supposed to be used to treat premature babies. Following the questioning, IDF troops located weapons, classified documents, and tactical communications equipment.

The battle in the area of the hospital and weapons located in the hospital:

The weapons located in the hospital:

Photos from the activity:

