Nahal Brigade Troops in Close Quarters Combat With Hamas Terrorists in Jabalia


As part of the Nahal Brigade's activity in Jabaliya, troops of the 931st Battalion received information regarding the presence of Hamas terrorists and weaponry in nearby structures. Consequently, the troops launched a targeted strike on those structures.

The terrorists had set up an ambush in the same area, preparing to attack our forces as they passed through the central traffic route. The forces flanked the enemy through one of the alleys, surprising them and firing at the terrorists. The terrorists fired back at our forces and threw grenades. The firefight continued until the terrorists were eliminated.

During encounters that occurred in the same area over the past few days, additional terrorists were eliminated by troops from the 931st Battalion, uncovering weaponry and terrorist infrastructure. Additionally, several terrorists were eliminated by tank fire and by IAF UAVs.

Attached is footage from the encounters of the 931st Battalion in the Jabaliya area:

Attached are photos from the encounters: WhatsApp_Ima...

