The Chief of the General Staff Conducts Situational Assessment in the 91st Division


The Chief of the General Staff toured today (Sunday) the 91st Galilee Division with the division commander, Brigadier General Shai Kleper, and conducted a situational assessment with the brigade and battalion commanders in the sector. He also met with members of the civilian emergency response unit of Kibbutz Malkiya.

Attached are the full remarks of the Chief of the General Staff:

“For the return to all the communities, both in the south and in the north - first, we need to return to a different situation, and return to both safety and a sense of security. There is a military way to do this, the beginning of which is also what you are doing here, to damage, to deter, to kill Hezbollah operatives, to demonstrate our superiority, and it can also come in the form of a strike and war, and it may be that over time this will also take other time periods and solutions, because we are focused on other things between the arenas.
The State of Israel never said war is the first solution that we will try, but we understand that in the situation here, it needs to end with a very very clear change in the situation. And yes, something very difficult happened that tells us there are cases where it is right to use this tool, in its full force. We are using it in Gaza, I do not want to say in full force, but with significant force and significant achievements."


Attached is footage of the Chief of the General Staff's remarks:

Attached is footage on the subject:

Attached are photos on the subject: