6 Terrorist Tunnels Destroyed in Shejaiya


For more than a week, the Paratroopers Brigade, the 7th Brigade and the Yahalom Unit have been fighting both above and below ground in the Shejaiya area under the command of the 98th Division.

The soldiers of the division engaged in close-quarters combat with terrorist cells and eliminated more than 150 terrorists, dismantled terrorist infrastructure and encountered and destroyed booby-trapped buildings and explosives. In addition, the soldiers located dozens of weapons and intelligence documents that the terrorists left behind.

As a result of intelligence and engineering efforts, the soldiers located tunnel shafts and significant tunnel routes. In the division-level operation, six terror tunnels, about six kilometers long, were located and destroyed. The soldiers continue to examine and destroy the tunnels in the area.

During the examination of the tunnels, the soldiers of the Yahalom Unit located underground tunnels consisting of a branched tunnel system. In some of the branches, terrorists' hideouts and control and command centers were located.  In one of the tunnels, weapons and intelligence documents were located.

Attached are Images of Weapons That Were Located in the Tunnels: 

Attached are Related Images: