8 Terrorist Tunnels Destroyed in Shejaiya


The soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade, the 7th Brigade and the Yahalom Unit completed their mission, which lasted approximately two weeks, in the Shejaiya area under the command of the 98th Division.

On the last day of the operations, the soldiers destroyed two underground tunnel routes as part of the divisional effort in which eight tunnels were destroyed.

Weapons, laptops and communication equipment were found inside the tunnels. In addition, equipment that enables extended stays and electricity and gas infrastructure that would be used by the terrorists were located.

Soldiers of the Paratroopers Reconnaissance Unit encountered a terrorist cell and engaged them in close-quarters combat. During the battle, the soldiers directed a drone and identified two armed terrorists hiding among the rubble. The terrorists tried to shoot at the drone and were eliminated by tank fire. 

During the fighting, the soldiers eliminated dozens of terrorists, destroyed combat compounds and booby-trapped buildings.

Attached is Footage of the Identification of Armed Terrorists Using a Drone:

Attached are Related Images: