Graduation Ceremonies of the Aerial Control and Flight Control System and General Officer's Course


The graduation ceremonies of the Aerial Control and Flight Control System officers' course and the general officers' course at the "Ovda" base were held. 154 male and female officers completed the courses after six months of training.

From the remarks of the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar:

“Recently, various statements have been made regarding the readiness of the IAF on October 7th. On this stage, I wish to state clearly- the Israeli Air Force entered the events of that cursed Saturday without any operational readiness issues. We took off for this difficult multi-front war united and cohesive, despite the protests, and since then we have not landed. We will not land until the mission is completed, until we have defeated all our enemies. In the coming weeks, we will complete the IAF inquiry and present it within the IDF, and afterwards we will present it to the public transparently. Last week, the inquiry of the events in the community of Be'eri was presented to the public. As their commander, I have given and continue to give support to the decisions made on the ground on the morning of October 7th. The culture of inquiry is deeply rooted in the DNA of the Israeli Air Force. This is how we become better, more deserving of the citizens we have sworn to protect." 

Attached are Remarks of the Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar