Hezbollah Rocket Hits a Soccer Field in the Druze Village of Majdal Shams


The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, the Head of the Operations Directorate, the Commanding Officer of the IAF, and other members of the General Staff Forum, are currently conducting a situational assessment following the recent missile launches at Majdal Shams and other areas of northern Israel.

It is important to note that the projectile launched at Majdal Shams was a rocket, not a suspicious aerial target.

According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization from an area located north of the village of Chebaa in southern Lebanon.

The rocket launch was at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children.


Attached is an English video Announcement of the IDF Spokesperson, RAdm. Daniel Hagari: 

Attached are Images From the Area of the Attack: 

Following the attack, the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, held a situational assessment at the operation center in Majdal Shams with the Commanding Officer of the 210th Division, BG Yair Peli, and additional commanders. 

Additionally, they visited the area where the rocket hit the soccer field in Majdal Shams and held discussions with the heads of the local authority and residents.

The Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, also spoke with the Head of the Druze community, Shaykh Mowafaq Tarif, and expressed deep sorrow on his behalf and on behalf of the entire IDF on the deaths of the children, and asked to give strength to the families and the entire community.

Attached is a Related Video From the Situational Assessment: 

Attached are Related Images: