New IDF Brigade Completes Exercise to Increase Readiness in the Northern Arena


Last week, the HeHarim Regional Brigade (810) completed their first brigade-level exercise, which included offensive scenarios in Lebanon, combat in areas of thicket, urban warfare and close-quarters combat.

The HeHarim Brigade, under the command of the 210th Division, was established as part of adapting the operational response given the changing reality on the Syrian and Lebanese borders. The brigade will defend the Mount Hermon and Mount Dov areas.

At the end of the exercise, a ceremony was held in which the brigade’s official tag was revealed for the first time.

The IDF continues to defend the state of Israel and the residents of the north, and to adapt according to operational necessity.

Attached is a Video of the Commanding Officer of the HeHarim Brigade, COL Liron Appleman:

Attached are Images From the Brigade-Level Exercise:

Attached are Images From the Establishment Ceremony and Unveiling of the HeHarim Brigade Tag: