Operational Summary of IDF Activity Over the Past 9 Months in Gaza


IDF ground, air and naval forces have been operating in Gaza for 263 days in order to achieve the objectives of the war. The forces have eliminated and apprehended approximately 14,000 terrorists. Among the eliminated terrorists are six brigade commanders, over 20 battalion commanders, and approximately 150 company commanders.

As a result of precise intelligence and operational efforts, half of the leadership of Hamas' military wing has been eliminated up until this stage of the war through a series of strikes and eliminations. The IDF continues its crucial mission to pursue the top leaders of the Hamas terrorist organization as part of the objective to dismantle the organization's capabilities.


So far, the IDF has struck approximately 37,000 targets from the air within Gaza, and more than 25,000 terrorist infrastructure and launch sites. The Southern Command's fire control center, in cooperation with the Israeli Air Force, directed airstrikes against sites from which rockets were launched at Israel and security forces in Gaza.

Additionally, the IDF focuses its efforts on locating terrorists who embed themselves and establish bases in sensitive sites across Gaza, including in hospitals, schools, and humanitarian shelters. These areas are cynically exploited by terrorists who attempt to use them as hiding places and bases for terrorism. Strikes against this infrastructure are conducted in accordance with international law, with the purpose of preventing the restoration of terrorist organizations' capabilities.

The Intelligence Directorate and the Southern Command's intelligence system produce high-quality intelligence that supports the fighting forces operating in Gaza. This intelligence enables the execution of a series of initiated operations and targeted operations against terrorist infrastructure and operatives, based on precise intelligence indications. 

The forces in the field are fighting both above and below ground. The Southern Command's engineering unit has created an action plan against Hamas' underground system and continues to map and thoroughly dismantle it. So far, the IDF has dismantled dozens of production sites and workshops, as well as offensive and strategic underground tunnel routes.


Attached is Data on the Degradation of Hamas' Military Wing Forces:


Attached is a Video From a Computer Found at the Residence of a Hamas operative in Shejaiya: 

Attached is a Video of a Weapons Cache Located by an Oketz Unit Canine in an Underground Tunnel: