IDF Begins Activity in the Area of Shejaiya


Following intelligence indicating the presence of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure in the area of Shejaiya in northern Gaza, IDF troops began activity in the area, both above and below ground.

The troops began their targeted activity in the area of Shejaiya during the day. Overnight, they started to conduct targeted operations in the area. 

Simultaneously with the entry of the troops, IAF aircraft struck dozens of Hamas terrorist infrastructure sites. Prior to the operation, the IDF conducted several significant strikes in northern Gaza, during which dozens of terrorists who were hiding in UNRWA schools and facilities were eliminated. 

Additionally, following IDF and ISA intelligence, IAF fighter jets struck a Hamas terrorist that was operating in a structure in the area of Deir al Balah. The terrorist was operating from within a humanitarian area, being used by the Hamas terrorist organization as a shield for their terrorist activity.

Prior to the strike, a number of steps were taken to mitigate harm to uninvolved civilians, including evacuating the civilian population located around the structure from which the terrorist was operating, conducting aerial surveillance, using a precise munition and additional measures. 

The Hamas terrorist organization systematically violates international law while using civilian infrastructure and the civilian population as human shields for its terrorist activities against Israel.

Attached is a Video of IDF Strikes in Gaza: