The Chief of the General Staff Holds Situational Assessment in Jenin


The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, held a situational assessment in Jenin with the Commanding Officer of the Central Command, MG Avi Bluth, the Commanding Officer of the Judea and Samaria Division, BG Yaki Dolf and other commanders, and met the soldiers participating in the counterterrorism operation in the area. 

Attached are the Full Remarks of the Chief of the General Staff:

"Last night, there was an attack involving two car bombs that left from the Hebron area and went toward the Gush Etzion area. Look at this attack, what you are doing here, entering the camps, is exactly the idea to prevent the terrorists from loading explosives onto a car bomb and carrying out an attack in a community, against IDF troops, or anywhere else. This is where the offensive idea is from of going and confronting terrorism, places where they are building attacking capabilities. This is a very important thing. 

We will not let terrorism in Judea and Samaria to raise its head, which is why the initiative to go from city to city, camp to camp, with excellent intelligence, very good operational capabilities, very strong aerial intelligence support, and above all, with very moral and determined soldiers and commanders. I see the commitment to the mission, in this way we will protect the citizens of Israel, exactly like this."

Attached is Footage from the Situational Assessment: