IDF Chief of the General Staff on the Northern Border


Today (Friday), the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, conducted a situational assessment and tour at the 210th Division on the border of the Golan Heights along with the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, MG Ori Gordin, the Commanding Officer of the 210th Division, BG Yair Peli, and additional commanders.

The division’s commanders presented the updated assessments on the border, detailing both offensive and defensive actions, including the enhancement of the barrier and components of intelligence gathering.

Attached are the full remarks of the Chief of the General Staff: "The IDF is very focused on combat with Hezbollah. I think that the number of strikes in the past month, operatives eliminated, rockets and infrastructure destroyed, is very high. The Northern Command, with all of the IDF's capabilities, is striking a lot of Hezbollah's capabilities in Lebanon before they can attack us, and at the same time, we are preparing for offensive moves within the arena. I think that this combination of very significant strikes on Hezbollah to reduce the threats to the residents in the north, including in the Golan Heights, is very, very significant together with readiness for an offensive going forward that we are very engaged in."