English Statement by the IDF Spokesperson Regarding Hezbollah’s Violations of UN Resolution 1701


Please find attached an English statement by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari:

“Since the Hamas massacre of October 7th, Hezbollah has been increasing its attacks against Israel: firing rockets, missiles and drones; killing Israeli civilians and soldiers;
and displacing over 80,000
Israelis from their homes in
the north.

Since Hezbollah began its attacks, the IDF has been responding by striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.

Hezbollah — a proxy of Iran — is dragging Lebanon into an unnecessary war that would have devastating consequences for the people of Lebanon. This is a war that they do not deserve.
When it comes to existential threats, we regard every day
as though it’s October 6th, so that the Hamas massacre of October 7th never happens again — on any one of our borders.

The facts on the ground speak for themselves:
Hezbollah’s violations of UN Resolution 1701 have rendered it effectively null and void.

Until there is an effective solution in place — that ensures the security of our people — the IDF will continue fulfilling its duty: Defending the citizens
of Israel and Israel’s sovereignty.

Until and unless a diplomatic solution is found and implemented: We will continue making the necessary preparations to remove the threat from our border.”