IDF Struck Terrorists Armed With Shoulder-Fired Missiles


IDF troops identified and then directed an aerial strike on terrorists armed with shoulder-fired missiles in the Shejaiya area in  Gaza .

In the Jabalya area, the soldiers located explosive devices, AK-47 rifles, and an RPG which were hidden inside UNRWA-labeled bags inside a civilian residence. A truck containing long-distance rockets was also found near a school in the area.


During activity to clear an area in Jabalia from the danger of tunnel shafts and explosive devices, IDF troops located a lathe used for weapons production, as well as a Hamas launch site containing approximately 50 projectiles, some of which were loaded and ready to fire.

Over the past day, IDF ground troops also directed aerial strikes on dozens of terrorists in the Gaza Strip. In one incident, armed terrorists spotted exiting a medical clinic during operational activity were struck by the IDF.

Attached is a video of the strike on the terrorists armed with shoulder-fired missiles:

Attached is a video of the explosive devices uncovered in a civilian residence:

Attached is a video of IDF strikes in Gaza:

Attached are photos of IDF troops in Gaza:
