Chief of the General Staff's Statement Regarding Hostage Rescue Operation

IDF , Media Center

Attached is the full statement of the Chief of the General Staff:

“I just completed a visit to the Gaza Strip border with the forces in the field. We have been fighting for about four months and still have a long road ahead.
The war is changing. From a difficult and painful beginning, we pushed back at a high cost, regained our composure and launched a high-quality and powerful offensive, which we will maintain until the war's objectives are met. In the past decades, no army has operated in such a built up and dense area, both above and below ground. The soldiers of the IDF handle this successfully and the military achievements are extraordinary. Unfortunately, this also comes at a cost in casualties - defending our home requires the commitment to do so.

We are progressing as planned, and our accomplishments thus far have exceeded our expectations. We continue the fighting in different formations. In the north of the Gaza Strip we return to wherever terrorism is identified. Using the intelligence we gained in the field and during the investigations of the numerous terrorists we caught, we returned to other targets, eliminating the enemy and destroying more terrorist infrastructure, thus intensifying our achievement.

In the south of the Gaza Strip, in Khan Yunis, we are reaching places that the enemy never imagined we would reach. All of Hamas' strategic assets are being destroyed in the city that was once considered their terror stronghold. So far, we have eliminated over 10,000 terrorists, including many commanders. This is what dismantling Hamas means. Our military achievements, as I previously mentioned, are very high, but there is still a long way to go before we can achieve the war's objectives. We need to eliminate the senior leadership, eliminate more of the enemy's commanders and operatives, return civilians to their homes safely, and bring the hostages home - a supreme mission and moral obligation.
In a daring operation, we rescued Fernando and Luis from the heart of Rafah, 129 days after they were brutally abducted by Hamas. It was a complex and tense night. The willingness of the soldiers to face the risk inspires great pride.


I am grateful, first and foremost, for the forces of Yamam, the ISA and the IDF. I am full of appreciation for my partners for making the operational decisions. When it comes to making such difficult decisions, the ISA and Yamam commanders are the people with whom you want to make such decisions.
Following the success of this operation, it is important to remember two things:

When we began the operation, we had no way of determining whether it would be successful. Every week, we carry out special operations while risking our lives in complex settings with great uncertainty in an attempt to bring the hostages home. This time, we succeeded. Other attempts did not succeed or even failed; we will not stop trying, and we will do it with responsibility.

These operations are made possible thanks to the exceptional operations and sacrifice of both active duty and reserve soldiers, including those who have fallen or been wounded. If we do not continue to strike Hamas with determination, it will be very difficult to end the war by returning the hostages. We are very determined to bring home the 134 hostages. We continue to operate wherever terrorism exists - and we have no intention of stopping. We have more work to complete – in areas we have yet to reach and also in those we have already operated. We have plans, and we will choose the right time to carry them out and, of course, the right way to do so.

We will restore and rebuild the communities and kibbutzim in the area. Our mission is to enable residents – in the north and the south – to return home safely. In the last few months, I have seen the fields being plowed and sown. We will do everything so that those who sowed with tears will reap in as much joy as much as possible.
We are preparing for the fighting to continue for a long time. Replenishing the forces and releasing some of the reserve forces – we know we will need them again.


I know of soldiers in the regular service who have only returned to their homes once or twice since the war began. The rate at which soldiers return home is not at the discretion of the commanders, but rather are based on operational decisions derived from situational assessments. In war, there is a delicate balance between the operational tasks in the field, and the need to rest the forces.

We understand its importance for the continued functioning of the soldiers on the battlefield. We look after them, take care of them, and, most importantly, explain things to them. This is our responsibility as commanders and also part of the mission, and wherever something has to be fixed, we know how.

In these challenging times, one thing is very clear - everyone should do their part to protect our home. This is a different time, and prior realities should be reexamined. We are currently promoting immediate enlistment solutions in order to fill our ranks in light of the ongoing fighting. More of this will be required in the future.

The IDF has always sought to integrate all parts of Israeli society among its ranks. This war demonstrates the need for change. To join the service, to protect our home. We have a historic opportunity to expand the IDF’s recruitment sources at a time when the necessity is very high. We will know how to produce the solutions and the right conditions for every population that will join this noble mission.
The IDF, as the ‘people's army,’ is up for the task.”