Approx. 100 Terrorists and More Than 100 Structures for Terrorism Eliminated in Central Gaza


The 99th Division, the only reserve division operating in Gaza, has been fighting for the past few months in the area of ​​central Gaza. The soldiers have eliminated approximately 100 terrorists and destroyed more than 100 terrorist structures, weapons storage facilities, observation posts, launch pits and underground tunnel routes.


In cooperation with the Yahalom Unit, the troops destroyed a terrorist tunnel one kilometer in length. The tunnel included branches which were used by terrorists to move between different locations underground. In addition, the troops operated against a booby-trapped mosque that was used as a hideout for terrorists in the area. Secondary explosions were detected after the strike, indicating the presence of large quantities of weapons stored at the site.

Footage of the Destruction of a Booby-Trapped Tunnel: 

Images of Weapons Confiscated:

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