Deputy Chief of the General Staff Visited the United States as a Guest of Colleagues From the US Military


This week, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, MG Amir Baram, visited the United States as a guest of colleagues from the US military. MG Baram met with senior commanders in U.S. CENTCOM (Central Command), U.S. NORTHCON (Northern Command), the Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Department of Defense in order to strengthen cooperation between our militaries and prepare for emerging challenges.

During his visit, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff held a strategic discussion with senior officials of the U.S. military and the Pentagon regarding operational plans for the southern and northern arenas, preparations in countering Iran and its proxies, and the common interests of the IDF and the U.S. military in the Middle East.

Furthermore, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff discussed with his counterparts how to accelerate the rate of supplies of the required munitions for the IDF, on which joint mechanisms for acceleration and control were agreed.

The Deputy Chief of the General Staff also awarded the Chief of the General Staff Medal of Appreciation to the former Deputy Commander of U.S. CENTCOM (now the Commander of the United States Northern Command), General Gregory M. Guillot (* * * *), in recognition of his major contribution to the security of the State of Israel during the “Swords of Iron” war.

The Deputy Chief of the General Staff also presented a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the IDF to the American Destroyer "USS Carney", which completed a seven-month deployment in the Middle East, during which it intercepted dozens of UAVs and missiles fired from Iranian territory and by Iran's proxies toward the State of Israel, thereby greatly contributing to the overall defensive effort.

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