IDF Clarification Regarding Claims on Targeting Journalists


Today (25.6.24) certain media outlets have published articles regarding journalists who have been killed in the context of the war against Hamas in Gaza.

The articles have included statements attributed to an IDF spokesperson in French, Colonel (res.) Olivier Rafowicz, attributing to him sayings which do not distinguish between Hamas’ political and military wings, and characterize Hamas’ Al-Aqsa media network as part of Hamas’ military apparatus.  

Such statements attributed to Colonel (res.) Rafowicz do not reflect official IDF policy in relation to identification of terrorists and targeting procedures.  Colonel (res.) Rafowicz erred as these comments mischaracterize IDF targeting policy. 

It is to be clarified that the IDF does not see Hamas’ media networks, or journalists, as such, as members of Hamas military wing. Accordingly, IDF does not target journalists as such. IDF directives and protocols set clear guidelines on the identification of specific individuals as members of the Hamas military wing or as persons that directly participate in hostilities and are therefore legitimate targets. Al-Aqsa network was never identified as part of Hamas’ military wing, and while certain Al-Aqsa network employees, including some who work or describe themselves as journalists, have been identified as members of Hamas military wing or as individuals who participate directly in hostilities, this does not project to all other employees.

The IDF will continue to fight Hamas according to international law while emphasizing the protection of civilians, including journalists.