Tunnel Route Near an UNRWA School Discovered in Rafah


The 12th Brigade, under the command of the 162nd Division, has been conducting precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area for the past few weeks.

The soldiers are thwarting terrorist activity in the area, eliminating terrorists, and destroying terrorist infrastructure.

As part of the soldiers' activity in the area, several significant tunnel shafts were located that led to a tunnel network. The route was then investigated by Yahalom soldiers. The route is 500 meters long and passes near an UNRWA school.


Last night, soldiers of the 931st Battalion carried out searches in the area, during the searches the soldiers located nine rocket launchers. The soldiers eliminated the launch site. 

Attached is a Video from the Destruction of the Rocket Launchers:

Attached is a Video from the Destruction of the Tunnel:

Attached are Images of the Rocket Launchers That Were Destroyed: