Situational Assessment at the Scene of the Shooting Attack in Eli

IDF , Media Center

The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, arrived at the scene of the shooting attack at the gas station in Eli today (Thursday), and conducted a situational assessment in order to strengthen security in the area. The assessment was conducted with the Commanding Officer of the Judea and Samaria Division, the Commanding Officer of the Benyamin Brigade and representatives from the Central Command, the ISA and the Israel Police. LTG Halevi met with Aviad Gazbar, a reserves officer in the Givati Brigade who neutralized the terrorist, and praised his corageous actions which prevented a greater disaster.



Chief of the General Staff: "This is a severe terrorist attack, in which two Israeli civilians were killed. We mourn their deaths. It is due to the professional operation of a reserves officer who returned from combat in Gaza that the incident concluded and a greater disaster was averted. The central command’s security forces’ counterterrorism efforts are always ongoing, and we will derive the appropriate lessons from the incident in order to strengthen defense.”

