IDF Forces Led by the Givati Brigade Operate in Northern Gaza, Eliminate 50 Terrorists

Press Release

Israel Defense Forces, Media Center

Over the past day, IDF troops commanded by the Givati Brigade operated in a Hamas military stronghold in northern Gaza . During their ground activities today, the troops eliminmated approximately 50 terrorists; in parallel ground troops in Gaza are continuing counterterrorism activities.

The military stronghold is located in western Jabaliya and was used by the Commander of Hamas’ Jabaliya Battalion for training and the execution of terror activities. The area contains firing positions, terror tunnels used by terror operatives as a passageway to the coast, and a large stock of weapons used by the terrorists.

During the activity in the military stronghold, the soldiers eliminated a number of terrorists in the course of combat, and an IDF aircraft targeted additional terrorists. The forces in the area destroyed entrances to terror tunnels, weapons, and military equipment. In addition, the soldiers located intelligence documents in the compound. At the end of the activity, the forces secured the compound.

Attached is an infographic of aerial footage of the Hamas military stronghold:


Attached is a video of the strikes throughout the activity in the Hamas military stronghold: