Daily Recap: Hamas - Israel War October 19th, 2023 (20:00) - Day 13



  • The Israel Defense Forces continues to actively target terrorist sites across Gaza, including hundreds of sites over the past day.
  • Strikes on Hamas leadership continued too, including the head of the military branch of the "Popular Resistance Committees" in Rafah, as well multiple “Nukhba” force terrorists.
  • Many strikes were focused on the Shuja'iyya neighborhood in Gaza, historically a terrorist hotbed, as well as on anti-tank missile launchers, terror tunnel shafts, intelligence infrastructure, and other targets across the Gaza Strip.
  • Rocket fire from Gaza continued across both southern and central Israel, as far north as Tel Aviv. In addition, Hamas reportedly took responsibility for rocket fire today from Lebanon into northern Israel.
  • Rockets continue to be launched toward Israel’s northern border as well as anti- tank missiles and gunfire. IDF troops are deployed along the border, prepared for any escalation and are responding with air strikes near the border.

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Field Notes from Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, IDF Spokesperson to International Media

Today, I spent another day down south with reporters. After 13 days, you would think it would get easier. But during every single one of my tours with reporters across the ravaged communities in southern Israel I hear another story. Many are stories of courage displayed by soldiers, or even civilians who picked up a weapon and fought to protect their home. But there are so many stories of sheer depravity. Rape and murder, children killed alongside their parents. Stories that leave scars. 

The October 7th attack - while unprecedentedly horrible - was not a one-off. It was not an exception. Hamas has been building and firing rockets at Israel for over twenty years. It has been attacking Israelis - suicide bombings, car rammings and shootings - for nearly forty. 

This is why we fight. 

Since Hamas’ invasion, attacks have continued. Just yesterday, IDF tanks identified and engaged three terrorists near Kissufim. There have been over a dozen similar cases in the past two weeks. In every one, a win for Hamas would be an October 7th sequel. 

This is why we fight. 

We’re now engaged in a preventive war. Not to prevent October 7th. The blood was spilled. But to prevent it from happening again. After spending so much time down here - in the shattered communities, in the morgues, at a concert site that will never hear music again - the IDF must ensure that Hamas is unable to unleash terror. We must make sure that no terrorist organization, whether it be Hezbollah in the north, who we are carefully watching Hamas, or Islamic Jihad, or the Popular Resistance Committee in Gaza, or any other terrorist organization around the world, can attack Israeli civilians with impunity.

We stand in defense of the State of Israel. We stand in defense of our people. We stand in defense of the incredible camaraderie and bravery that has been shared in the face of such horrors. We stand in defense of our shared values of freedom and liberty. 

From here, from down south, I know. That is why we fight. And that is why we will win.

Arena Overview

Activity in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces have continued efforts to dismantle Hamas’ administrative and military capabilities through hundreds of intelligence-backed strikes across a broad range of targets over the past day. 

To date, over a hundred terrorists were targeted in Israel Air Force strikes, including many senior terrorist leaders. Yesterday, in a joint ISA and IDF strike, the head of the military branch of the "Popular Resistance Committees" in Rafah was neutralized as part of these efforts. In addition, more than ten terrorists were targeted in a precision aerial strike, focusing on the “Nukhba” force terrorists, a force that played a key role in the October 7 massacre.

While preparing for potential intensification of operations by air, land and sea, the IDF also continued to target terrorist infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. During the last day, the IDF struck hundreds of Hamas terrorist sites, including dozens in Shuja'iyya, historically a terrorist hotbed. Targets included anti-tank missile launchers, terrorist tunnel shafts, intelligence infrastructure, mortar launchers, and additional command and control centers. 

Southern and central Israel remain under fire from Hamas. In addition, on Thursday afternoon, reports emerged that Hamas took responsibility for a salvo of rockets fired from Lebanon at northern Israel. Active missile defense systems, together with civilian compliance with Home Front Command instructions, have helped minimize - but not avoid - civilian casualties. 

Attempted Hamas attacks on the Israeli homefront continue, and southern Israel remains a potentially active combat zone. For example, on Wednesday an IDF tank force identified and neutralized three terrorists near Kissufim. In addition, a Hamas terrorist who had entered Israel during the incursion on October 7th was apprehended while attempting to make his way back to Gaza.


Rockets continue to be fired toward southern, central and northern Israel. 

The IDF and Ministry of Defense have evacuated the majority of the residents in both southern Israel and those living in the area between 0-2 kilometers near the Lebanese border to state-funded guesthouses.

The Minister of Defense has been given the authority to expand the evacuation to include towns and cities 2-5 kilometers from the border.

The IDF continues the difficult job of identifying casualties from the attacks on Israel. To date, 306 families have been notified about their kin falling in action and 203 families have been notified of the kidnapping of a family member. 

Northern Israel

Hezbollah continues to instigate hostilities on the Lebanese border in an effort to deflect attention from the IDF’s war with Hamas. This included rocketfire, as well as anti- tank missile fire at communities and military outposts, as well as gunfire. IDF troops are stationed along the board in preparation for any escalation and are responding with air strikes along the border. 

Anti tank missiles were fired at the northern communities of Rosh HaNikra, Kibbutz Manara and Dvorit. Gunfire toward Zar'it was also reported. 

Approximately thirty rocket launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory although, as noted above, reports emerged that Hamas had taken responsibility for at least some of those rockets. In one salvo of six rockets, five launches fell in open areas, and one was successfully intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array. IDF artillery is responding toward the sources of the fire in Lebanon.

In response to the ongoing missile fire, the IDF continued to strike Hezbollah intelligence and operational outposts along the Lebanon border. This included the observation point from which anti-tank missiles were fired at Rosh HaNikra, as well as artillery fire toward the source of the fire.