Daily Recap: War Against Hamas November 23rd, 2023 - Day 48


Arena Overview

From Lt. Col. Richard Hecht's Substack:

Southern Arena Summary

  • Widespread operations continued in northern Gaza, including UAV and tank strikes against terrorist cells and observation posts. Over 300 Hamas terror sites were targeted, encompassing command centers, tunnels, and weapon facilities.

  • Based on precise intelligence, forces from the Egoz commando unit conducted precise operational activities in Gaza's Shati area. The forces targeted Hamas infrastructure, destroyed booby-trapped buildings and confiscated significant amounts of ammunition, explosive belts, and grenades.

  • Humanitarian assistance continued, including ongoing tactical pauses for civilians to evacuate to safer areas, fuel trucks for humanitarian organizations, and some 200 trucks of goods and supplies being screened before being transferred into the Gaza.

  • The 401st Brigade operated on the outskirts of Jabalya in an area from which heavy mortar fire was launched toward Israel. The forces uncovered tunnel shafts used by the Hamas terrorist organization which converged at a central tunnel shaft located in a building connected to a senior Hamas operative. A large number of weapons were located in numerous places including under children’s beds and in closets in the home of an additional Hamas operative. 

    Weapons found under children's beds: the 401st Brigade operates in the area of Jabalya

  • IDF fighter jets, directed by IDF and ISA intelligence, killed Amar Abu Jalalah, commander of the Hamas naval forces in Khan Yunis. Abu Jalalah was a senior operative in Hamas’ naval forces and involved in directing several terrorist attacks by sea that were thwarted by the IDF. 

Northern Arena Summary

  • In response to ongoing Hezbollah rocket launches, which exceeded 35 rockets, the IDF targeted Hezbollah infrastructure and rocket launching sites in Lebanon. IDF strikes leveraged helicopters, fighter jets, and the "Iron Sting" system for these strikes.

  • An IDF aircraft identified and targeted an anti-tank missile cell near the area of Zar'it in northern Israel.

  • Overnight, a surface-to-air missile was launched toward IDF aircraft in Lebanon. The missile was intercepted by the Aerial Defense Array. In response to the launch, IDF aircraft struck the launcher and a weapons storage post.