IDF Editorial Team

Last Updated: October 15, 2020

What is the IDF doing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 among its ranks?

The IDF has implemented a series of policies to limit the spread of COVID-19 among its ranks and ensure that the military is capable of maintaining its operational activities. These policies include limiting the numbers of people permitted at ceremonies, gatherings, and meetings, wearing appropriate PPE equipment, as well as limiting the movement of soldiers from and between bases. The full, updated list can be found here

How is the IDF responding to cases of COVID-19 within the military?

During the peak of COVID-19, the IDF Medical Corps converted a recreational resort in Ashkelon into a medical facility to treat soldiers with mild cases of COVID-19. Patients in the facility were in close contact with a doctor and nurses through a special app and received a personalized medical kit to track their recovery. All soldiers in the resort were relocated to two IDF facilitated hotels in Nahariya and Ashkelon on May 7, 2020. The IDF is prepared to reopen the recreational resort as a medical facility for soldiers if necessary.

What new technology has the IDF developed to help combat and mitigate the effects of COVID-19?

The IDF developed new technology to help the national effort in combating COVID-19. The different equipment the IDF has developed include the conversion of BiPaP home devices into ventilators for COVID-19 patients, cutting edge ambulances, oxygen tanks, and more which can be read about here.

What is the IDF doing to aid the civilian populace at this time?

The IDF is upholding strict guidelines to protect the public, and IDF soldiers, from COVID-19. Soldiers from across the country were mobilized to distribute food and other supplies to vulnerable populations in Israel through the virus’ peak. More information about the specific efforts can be found here.

Did the IDF operate any testing centers for civilians? Any civilian rehabilitation centers?

The IDF Home Front Command and Technological and Logistics Directorate operated “drive-thru” testing centers throughout the country where civilians were able to drive to the compounds and be tested for COVID-19 from their cars. These testing centers enabled civilians to easily get tested and minimize potential spread of the virus.

The IDF is also facilitating the use of hotels for civilians showcasing mild symptoms of COVID-19 across the country.

How is the IDF supporting healthcare workers amidst COVID-19?

The IDF has been aiding healthcare workers by developing and distributing much-needed protective gear, providing manpower, and handling the logistics of treating patients. The IDF Weapons Manufacturing Center produced protective goggles for medical staff, and spray guns to help sanitize public places. The IDF's Marine Commando Unit, Shayetet 13, produced compressed oxygen for medical oxygen tanks. While healthcare workers are away from their families, IDF soldiers have also been providing childcare to their children.

Is the IDF enforcing quarantines and other lockdowns across Israel?

In April 2020, 600 IDF soldiers were assigned to help Israeli Police to enforce the Ministry of Health’s and government’s restrictions in civilian areas. The IDF soldiers performed patrols, secured areas, and blocked routes to minimize the spread of the virus. In addition, 670 soldiers helped the Israeli Police enforce traffic protocols in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem.

How many soldiers are infected with and/or have died from COVID-19?

For the most up-to-date number of soldiers with COVID-19, please click here. No soldiers have died from COVID-19. Anyone who is suspected of coming into contact with a soldier who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 has been placed in quarantine.

Where can soldiers get tested for COVID-19?

In addition to the testing centers throughout the country, the IDF has opened a medical lab to test military personnel for COVID-19. The lab, which is run by the IDF Medical Corps, is capable of processing hundreds of COVID-19 tests a day.

Are you stopping humanitarian aid to Gaza during the COVID-19 pandemic?

No. The IDF is working closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) to deliver essential supplies—including testing kits, PPEs, disinfectant materials, lab equipment, fuel and food—into Gaza.

What efforts has the IDF made to help Palestinians in Gaza and Judea in Samaria?

In Judea and Samaria, the IDF Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) is cooperating with the Palestinian Authority to facilitate the transfer of medical equipment sent by the WHO, the UN, and neighboring countries to Palestinian medical teams in the area. Read more about how the IDF is supporting Palestinians during this time here.

Where can civilians and soldiers receive the latest information about COVID-19?

In addition to the IDF website which will continue to be updated, the IDF Home Front Command with the National Information Center, developed a portal in Hebrew, English, Russian, and Arabic with updated information.

How is the IDF specifically helping lone soldiers during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The IDF continues to monitor the situation with lone soldiers carefully. In the peak of COVID-19, the IDF took a series of steps to help lone soldiers. This included providing additional stipends, housing facilities, the establishment of a 24/7 Lone Soldier Center catered to meet the needs of lone soldiers, and more.

Is the IDF participating in any international exercises at this time?

On October 12, 2020, the joint exercise between the Israeli Air Force and the US Air Force, "Enduring Lightning", successfully concluded. The exercise was conducted in a special format (due to COVID-19), in which all meetings between the IAF and USAF were conducted through video conferences. For more information, click here .