Chief of General Staff Departs for Work Visit to the United States

The Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Binyamin “Benny” Gantz, arrived today (Sunday) for an official five-day work visit in the United States, as the guest of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General (****) Martin E. Dempsey.

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During the course of the visit, the Chief of the General Staff and his counterpart, General Dempsey, will conduct a series of work meetings together, as well as meetings with other American officials. They will also discuss current security challenges, the regional security status in the Middle East and military cooperation.

During his absence, Lt. Gen. Gantz will be replaced by his deputy, Major General Gadi Eisenkot.

Lt. Gen. Gantz will be accompanied by his wife, the Defense Attaché to the US and Canada, Major General Yaacov Ayish, and the Head of the Planning Directorate, Major General Nimrod Sheffer.