Commander of EUCOM Ends Visit in Israel

The commander of the US European Command (EUCOM), Admiral James Stavridis, departed Israel today, concluding a two-day work visit as a guest of the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz. During the course of his visit, Admiral Stavridis conducted work meetings with senior officers and toured a number of facilities throughout the country, including a site of an "Iron Dome" battery, an advanced mobile air-defense system developed with extensive US aid.

IDF Editorial Team


Admiral James Stavridis, with the IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz

EUCOM, the United States Combatant Command responsible for nearly all of Europe, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, also heads many aspects of the military cooperation between Israel and the United States. One specific example of this cooperation is active missile defense.

This is the Admiral’s third visit to Israel and his first in the current year. The visit took place as part of the annual schedule of joint training and learning between EUCOM and the IDF.