IDF Chief of Staff to Depart For a Work Visit in Canada and the United States

The Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Benjamin (Benny) Gantz, departed today for his first official visit to Canada and the United States.

IDF Editorial Team


During the course of his visit, Lt. Gen. Gantz will conduct several meetings with his counterparts and security, government, and military representatives. The agenda for the meetings will include issues of joint military cooperation, mutual security challenges, and briefings on the overall Middle East region.

IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, meets with his Italian counterpart, General Biago Abrate

The visit will commence in Canada. Lt. Gen. Gantz will meet with his counterpart, the Chief of the Defence Staff, General (****) Walter J. Natynczyk, who will host Lt. Gen. Gantz and his wife for an official dinner. Lt. Gen. Gantz will also meet with the Canadian Minister of National Defence, Mr. Peter MacKay.

Following his stay in Canada, Lt. Gen. Gantz will visit Washington D.C., where he will meet with his American counterpart, General (****) Martin E. Dempsey, who returned from his visit to Israel in January.

Lt. Gen. Gantz welcomes four-star General Martin E. Dempsey. Photo Credit: Ori Shifrin

The Deputy Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. Yair Nave, will assume Lt. Gen. Gantz’s responsibilities in his absence.

Accompanying Lt. Gen. Gantz are his wife, Revital, Israel’s Defense Attaché in to the US and Canada, Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamny, Head of the International Military Cooperation Department, Col. Hanny Caspi, and Lt. Gen. Gantz’s Aid-de-camp, Lt. Col. Yaki Dolef.