Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, April 11, 2024


Good evening,
Tonight I will refer to the publications and reports regarding preparations for an attack from Iran.
First of all, it is important to say - there is no change in the instructions of the Home Front Command.

We are highly alert and prepared for a variety of scenarios, and we are conducting an ongoing situational assessment. We are prepared and ready in offense and defense with a variety of capabilities of the Israel Defense Forces, and also prepared with our strategic partners. This morning, the Commander of the United States Central Command, General Michael ‘Erik’ Kurilla, arrived in Israel, and conducted a strategic situational assessment with the Chief of the General Staff regarding the security challenges in the region. Our strategic relationship with the United States military is firm and steadfast. This has been manifest since the beginning of the war, and continues to be seen in our actions.

For years, and even more so during the war, Iran has been financing, directing and arming its proxies- in Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Iraq and Yemen - to attack the State of Israel, and not only the State of Israel, but other countries in the region and not only in the region. An attack from Iranian territory would be clear evidence of Iran’s intentions to escalate the Middle East and stop hiding behind the proxies.
In recent months, we have improved and advanced our offensive capabilities, and we will know how to act where required. We have a multi-layered defense capability that has proven itself during the war, with thousands of successful interceptions, but still at the same time, the defense is never hermetic.

With that, continue to listen to the instructions of the Home Front Command. I clarify again: as of today, there is no change to the Home Front Command’s instructions, but vigilance must be maintained.
If there is a change, we will update immediately, here as well as on the platforms of the Home Front Command and the IDF Spokesperson - as we did throughout the war transparently and immediately.

In Gaza, we began a targeted operation last night in the center of the Gaza Strip, in the Netzarim Corridor area, to destroy terror infrastructure and terrorists and increase our hold on the Netzarim Corridor which crosses the Gaza Strip. The goal of the operation, of course, is to destroy Hamas's ability to rehabilitate itself in the area. We are continuing to fight in Gaza, and are preparing for further operations.

Tonight as well, we remember and do not forget for a moment that 133 hostages are still being held in Gaza. We have the moral obligation to return them home as quickly as possible.