Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari- August 12, 2024


Good evening,

Over the past few days, we have been monitoring our enemies and developments in the Middle East, with an emphasis on Hezbollah as well as Iran. Simultaneously, we are striking in Lebanon every day, including today. We have increased the patrols of Israeli Air Force aircraft over Lebanese skies, in order to detect and remove threats. We are striking any threat we identify and are prepared to intercept threats in real time.

We take the declarations and statements of our enemies seriously. Therefore, we are prepared at peak readiness in offense and defense, and we will act according to the directives of the government.

Regarding questions from the public about the situation, your vigilance and awareness are important. Alongside this, at this stage, there is no change in the Home Front Command's defensive guidelines.

If there are changes to the guidelines, we will update you immediately.

We are aware and attentive to the reality that the residents of the north have been facing for a long time, enduring continuous fire and UAV infiltrations. Our mission is to ensure your safety and bring you securely back to your homes.

We are determined to do everything to protect the security of the residents and prevent harm to civilians. Hezbollah carries out indiscriminate fire, as we saw on the Saturday night when twelve children were murdered in Majdal Shams.

We have very extensive plans of attack and a high readiness to carry them out. Hezbollah is planning to act, but we are not waiting idly, we are constantly striking and neutralizing threats as soon as we detect them.

We are at peak readiness for this mission.

For about ten months, we have been in the midst of a war.

We are aware of the challenges and growing uncertainty among the public, especially during the summer season, with camps, family plans, preparations for the school year, and more. Currently, we are closely monitoring the operational situation. We will update you on the situation when we know and are able to, we will update you as early as possible, in order to adjust the guidelines for the public without giving our enemies an intelligence or operational advantage. We are making every effort to prepare you in advance and to enable continuity of routine as much as possible, while maintaining alertness and readiness.

We will inform you of any changes in the defensive guidelines via the platforms of the Home Front Command and the IDF.

I will be here, starting this evening and throughout the coming days, to update you, answer questions, and present the situation as it is, even when there are no changes to the guidelines.

Yesterday afternoon, a terrorist cell murdered an Israeli civilian and wounded another civilian in a drive-by shooting attack near the Mehola Junction.

We share the family's grief and wish the injured a speedy recovery. IDF troops are currently pursuing the terrorists. The Chief of the General Staff arrived at the scene in the evening, and reviewed with the commanders the efforts and actions for defense in eastern Samaria and the Jordan Valley, as well as the efforts to thwart terrorism and locate the terror cell.

In Gaza, troops from the 98th Division are operating in the Khan Yunis area, carrying out targeted raids based on new intelligence regarding terrorist activity in the area, above and below ground.

Last night, during combat conducted by the division in the area, IDF soldier Sergeant Omer Ginzburg z"l fell in action. Our hearts go out to his family, and we are supporting them during this difficult time.

For ten months, we have been operating in Gaza, and we do not forget for a moment the hostages being cruelly held by Hamas in Gaza.

We are deeply concerned about their physical and mental condition, given the prolonged time that has passed and the harsh conditions of their captivity.

The IDF and all of the security agencies are making every effort to create the conditions for their return as quickly as possible. This is our moral and ethical duty, and above all – it is an objective of the war.

Even amidst the ongoing combat, we remember and mark Tisha B'Av, which this year comes as we fight with determination against the destruction wrought by Hamas on October 7th.

The memory of the destruction of the Temples on Tisha B'Av resonates this year with the IDF’s determined multi-front battle to ensure the safety and security of every citizen of the state.