Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari- August 24, 2024


This evening, we are updating that four IDF reservist soldiers fell in combat on the Netzarim Corridor over the weekend.

Yesterday, in the early hours of the morning, three IDF soldiers—
Sergeant First Class (res.) Evyatar Atuar z"l, Sergeant First Class (res.) Danil Pechenyuk z"l and Sergeant First Class (res.) Nitai Metodi z"l—may their memory be a blessing—fell during a raid in the Zeitoun area as a result of the detonation of an explosive device.

In a separate incident, yesterday evening, four terrorists opened fire on a position where IDF troops were stationed. The troops returned fire, killing three terrorists, and a fourth who fled was struck by an IAF jet. IDF soldier Sergeant Major (res.) Yaniv Itzhak Oren z"l, may his memory be a blessing, fell in the battle.

Four IDF reservist soldiers, heroes of Israel, who left their lives behind to defend the citizens of the State of Israel. May their memory be a blessing.

We embrace their families during these difficult times and will continue to support them. We do not forget, and must not forget, the immense cost borne by many families in Israeli society—the bereaved families, the wounded, and their families.

Over the past week and throughout the weekend, IDF troops continue to engage in combat across all arenas—southern, northern, and in Judea and Samaria. In Gaza, the 162nd Division’s troops are continuing their operations in the Rafah area. To date, many terrorists have been eliminated and dozens of underground terror tunnels have been destroyed. Simultaneously, the 98th Division’s troops are operating in the Khan Yunis area and the outskirts of Deir al-Balah. Throughout, we remain steadfast in our commitment to the 109 hostages who are still being held cruelly by Hamas in Gaza, and we are exerting every effort to bring them all home as quickly as possible.

In the north, IDF troops continue to operate with determination and strength against Hezbollah. In recent days, we struck approximately 70 terrorist targets, including warehouses containing numerous weapons directed at the State of Israel, and eliminated over 20 terrorists, including senior figures in Hezbollah's rocket operations.

It is important for me to explain our operational approach: on the offensive, we conduct systematic and orderly strikes to impair Hezbollah's capabilities and its operatives. On the defensive front, we focus on removing threats while eliminating terrorists who have conducted launches or emerged from military compounds, including senior commanders. We target bases and terrorist sites, while Hezbollah targets civilian areas and civilians.

We have a wide range of offensive plans of action and will act according to decisions made by the political level. I want to address the residents of the north. I understand that you have been enduring very difficult months, facing constant threats and launches. We will not rest until you can return to your homes in safety.

In conclusion, it is important for you to know that we are facing a significant week ahead due to the negotiations in Cairo, combat in Gaza and on the northern border. Our preparedness is extremely high—both in offense and defense—and we will continue to work to remove threats and combat our enemies. The public must remain vigilant and alert, as you have been so far. We will provide immediate updates on any developments.