Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari December 12th, 20:15


(In Hebrew)

Good evening.

The bodies of the hostages Eden Zakaria and CSM Ziv Dado, may their memories be a blessing, were evacuated from the Gaza Strip to the territory of the State of Israel by IDF forces. Eden, 27, was abducted from the party in Re’im. Ziv was abducted while serving as a logistics operations manager in the Golani Brigade. The IDF transferred the bodies of the two for pathological examination at the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Ministry of Health. Our hearts go out to the families in this time of profound sorrow, and we stand with them in their grief. As part of the operation that enabled the recovery of their bodies, MSG (Reserves) Gal Meir Eizenkot and MSG (Reserves) Eyal Meir Berkovich, may their memories be a blessing, fell. Two Israeli heroes who fell in fierce fighting against Hamas.

We are constantly reminded that the 135 hostages abducted on October 7, as well as Hadar, Oron, Hisham and Avera, are still held by Hamas in Gaza. We will continue to work together with the security organisations, using all operational and intelligence means, to bring the hostages home and to bring those murdered to be buried in Israel. This is a national mission of top priority.

The fighting in Hamas’ centers of gravity continues in full force in Khan Yunis, Jabalia, and Saja'iya, both above and below ground. As seen in the footage from the battlefield, this fighting is complex, involving face to face engagement of Hamas terrorists emerging from the tunnels. We locate them in houses, shoot at them, enter, and kill them. Our troops encounter terrorists, engage in combat, engage the terrorists face to face, and kill them. This is how we will continue, decisively defeating Hamas in its centers of gravity. Every such engagement is a professional encounter and ends with the victory of our troops. We will continue to operate in Hamas’ centers of gravity all across the territory.

In the north, more than 100,000 residents of southern Lebanon have moved northward. The fighting at the border continues, and we are striking Hezbollah's terror targets in response to their continued firing toward our northern communities. Hezbollah continues to operate from the villages and built-up areas in southern Lebanon, endangering Lebanese land. This is a terrorist operation. We will respond resolutely and severely to every such attack by Hezbollah or by other terrorist organizations. We will respond to every attack. The alarm in Acre was activated following an Iron Dome interception.

For over two months our brave soldiers, on active duty and reservists, amongst them our permanent service members, have been fighting for our home and our security. I want to express my gratitude to their families. To the women, children, and parents worrying at home: you are the source of our strength. We know these are not easy days for families, and we will do everything to return home quickly. The intense battles being waged in the field, are being conducted with determination, and we owe a great debt to our troops.

(In English)

I’d like to share an update on Israel’s war on Hamas and our Hostage rescue effort:

IDF special forces recovered the bodies of 2 Israeli hostages during a complex hostage rescue operation in Gaza. 27-year-old Eden Zacharia, who was taken hostage by Hamas from the Nova music festival and 36-year-old CSM Ziv Dado who was taken hostage while on active duty. Sadly, we did not reach them in time. We send our heartfelt condolences to their families. Our special forces located the bodies of the hostages inside underground infrastructure — in a densely populated area in Gaza.

Hamas is holding our people hostage in brutal conditions while hiding among and under the people of Gaza. This makes our hostage rescue operation in Gaza complex. But it will not deter us from our mission, our duty, to rescue our hostages from Hamas. Our hostage rescue operation will continue for as long as necessary until all our hostages are home.

For 67 days, women, men, children and babies have been in Hamas captivity in brutal and inhumane conditions. The Red Cross must urgently gain access to our hostages. The hostages in Hamas captivity aren’t just Israelis. They are citizens of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Ukraine, Argentina, and other countries. Freeing our hostages from Hamas – is a global fight.

The taking of hostages is a crime against humanity. Hamas blocking the Red Cross from visiting the hostages is cruel and inhumane. Hamas is a barbaric terror group.

Those who claim to value human life must speak out in every forum until every hostage is home.

Thank you.